解决Power Designer导出SQL没有Comment/注释

解决Power Designer导出SQL没有Comment/注释

admin 913 2022-09-22


  • power designer :
  • pc: win11


  • 点击上方菜单栏 :Tools --> Execute Commands --> Edit/Run Script

  • 粘贴代码:

    • Option Explicit
      ValidationMode = True
      InteractiveMode = im_Batch
      Dim mdl ' the current model
      ' get the current active model
      Set mdl = ActiveModel
      If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
              MsgBox "There is no current Model "
      ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
              MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
              ProcessFolder mdl 
      End If
      ' This routine copy name into comment for each table, each column and each view of the current folder
      Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
      Dim Tab 'running table
      for each Tab in folder.tables
              if not tab.isShortcut then
                      if trim(tab.comment)="" then '假设有表的凝视,则不改变它;假设没有表凝视,则把name加入到凝视中.
                              tab.comment = tab.name
                      end if
                      Dim col ' running column
                      for each col in tab.columns
                              if trim(col.comment)="" then 
                                      col.comment= col.name
                              else col.comment= col.name
                              end if
              end if
      Dim view 'running view
      for each view in folder.Views
              if not view.isShortcut and trim(view.comment)="" then
                      view.comment = view.name
              end if
      ' go into the sub-packages
      Dim f ' running folder
      For Each f In folder.Packages
              if not f.IsShortcut then
                      ProcessFolder f
              end if
      end sub
  • 点击run执行代码

  • 完成


  • 将代码粘贴在 Edit/Run Script 中后,可以快捷键 ctrl + s 将当前代码保存,下次需要用到的时候进入到 Edit/Run Script 后使用快捷键 ctrl + o (小写字母o)选择该代码后执行,省心省力。

# Power Designer